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第6季, 第1集
上映日期 2016/04/24
編劇 David Benioff
D.B. Weiss
導演 Jeremy Podeswa

"紅袍女"是HBO播出的權利的遊戲第六季中的第一集,於2016年4月24日上映。本集由大衛·貝尼奧夫D·B·韋斯編劇,由Jeremy Podeswa導演。










雖然普遍認為電視劇中的第六季已經超越了原著的進度,但實際並非完全如此,因為電視劇中對於不同故事線的改編並不完全與原著平行。劇集主管們經常說他們是將原著作為一個整體進行改編,而不一定確保每一季劇集的末尾都和某一卷原著的末尾進行完美對應。實際上,提利昂在劇集第五季末與丹妮莉絲的見面已經超越了原著的進度 – 因為在目前原著的第五卷,這一見面仍處於即將發生的階段。廣義上來說,仍未出版的原著第六卷中已經發布的預覽章節也可以算作「已發布」的材料。即使照此來看,幾個最核心人物,包括瓊恩·雪諾、丹妮莉絲·坦格利安和提利昂·蘭尼斯特的故事線在劇集第六季也已經超過了原著,但是許多其它支線情節仍未超越原著。



  • 艾莉亞·史塔克 - 艾莉亞在第四部小說結尾失明,這段劇情也被着重描寫。她在第五部小說回歸,其中有兩個完整的章節。另外,在第六本書的預覽章節中,艾莉亞殺了「甜嘴」拉夫(電視劇中濃縮成了馬林·特蘭)。 不過,章節中劇情大部分還是集中在布拉佛斯,這已確認將出現在第六季中。因此艾莉亞仍有大量的情節還未在電視劇中改編呈現。
  • 布蘭·史塔克, 阿多,和梅拉·黎德 - 在第五部小說中,布蘭在遇到三眼烏鴉後還留有一個章節的劇情,主要交代了他開始綠之視野的訓練,並以旁觀者的角度觀看了幾段過去的故事,其中就有他的父親艾德·史塔克年輕時的故事。
    • 第六季中顯然會出現這段劇情,這樣就為重要情景的閃回做了鋪墊——至少小說中先前的章節提到過它:在第一部小說中,艾德回想起在篡奪者戰爭尾聲他的最後一場打鬥,是與坦格利安的御林鐵衛在赤紅山脈下的極樂塔之戰——第六季將以布蘭穿越的方式呈現它。
  • 多恩的很多支線在第五季中被極度壓縮,道朗·馬泰爾僅在第五季中簡短出現過,並且馬泰爾家族的很多其他角色直接就沒出現,看來他們在改編中被刪掉了(電視劇並沒有提到奧柏倫·馬泰爾有八個私生女,也被稱為沙蛇——只在其他的支線中提到四個)。它也沒有提到道朗親王的女兒,而其繼承人亞蓮恩·馬泰爾顯然被電視劇徹底忽略了。演員的選派和片花證實了這些場景將與馬泰爾家再次出現,他們中的一些仍未覆蓋小說中還未被改編的情節。
  • 君臨的支線比較綜合,在瑟曦遊街贖罪後,君臨只剩一個章節,是關於瑟曦的叔叔凱馮·蘭尼斯特御前會議的,討論了維斯特洛的形勢。電視劇顯然是移走了其中一些劇情,並在第六季中進行了擴展:瑟曦此時正在與教團武裝對抗(見於片花),這確定是已超過了最後關於御前會議的章節。
    • The Faith Militant itself and the confrontation with them to have Margaery released has fully caught up with the novels, and trailers for Season 6 show scenes which confirm that she will quickly move into unadapted material in Season 6.
    • 洛拉斯·提利爾 wasn't imprisoned by the Faith Militant in the novels; indeed he had a rather prominent new subplot: given that the Tyrells' homeland in 河灣地 is on the west coast of the continent, it is under threat from the renewed 鐵種 attacks, and Loras has to command their forces to deal with it. This storyline sees Loras return to the forefront, as he was somewhat in the background from the third novel onward after Renly died. It is unclear if this subplot will be worked back into Season 6 or be omitted entirely.
  • Elements from the 奴隸灣 storyline were pushed back from prior novels, dealing with both internal politics within ?彌林 and a looming confrontation with 淵凱 from without. The Yunkish diplomat Razdal mo Eraz is set to return in Season 6, organizing the slaver powers and their allies, while Daenerys's advisors left in ?彌林 try to deal with the mounting crisis. In the novels, these chapters after Daenerys's disappearance are told from Barristan Selmy's perspective, but with his death in the TV series, parts of them may have transferred to Tyrion.

Tyrion's storyline as he was heading east to ?彌林 in book five also introduced a new subplot involving a major political shakeup in the 自由貿易城邦s, but this was cut completely from from Tyrion's storyline in Season 5. After he leaves for ?彌林 it subsequently intersects with several other subplots (not Arya's). This 自由貿易城邦s subplot will probably be cut entirely from the TV series.



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Brienne meets Sansa and Theon.

Ramsay and Maester Wolkan attend to the dead body of Myranda. Ramsay remembers the first time he met her, stating that while other people were afraid of him, she wasn't. The 學士 asks if they should bury her or construct a funeral pyre. Ramsay says she is good meat and they should feed her to the hounds.

Theon and Sansa, having survived the fall from 臨冬城's wall, run through the Wolfswood realizing there are already men with hounds chasing them. Theon tries to hide their scent by crossing a river. Guiding a frightened Sansa, they make it across and hide by a fallen tree with Theon hugging Sansa to try to keep her warm. Hearing the dogs still after them, Theon tries to lead them away, telling Sansa to keep heading north for Jon and 黑城堡. A group of Bolton men sent by Ramsay, with the Bastard's Girls, find them. Theon claims Sansa was hurt when they jumped and he left her to die, but the dogs find her. The leader mocks Theon over what Ramsay will do to him now and prepares to bring them back to 臨冬城. Brienne and Podrick arrive and a fight begins. Brienne kills most of them while Podrick displays the techniques she taught him, managing to kill one. He is then attacked by another and briefly holds his own before being knocked down but Theon grabs a sword and kills the Bolton man. Sansa accepts Brienne into her service. Where they go next is uncertain.

盧斯·波頓 meets with Ramsay afterwards and asks if preemptively assaulting the struggling army of 史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩 makes him feel like a winner now that they've lost Sansa. A Lannister army marching north could easily overwhelm the Bolton troops at 臨冬城 and the Dreadfort. Ramsay assures his father they will recapture Sansa as he's sent his best men to find her. Roose continues that they need her to rally the north against the Lannisters, if need be, and subtly warns Ramsay that if he fails to recapture her, his unborn brother will become his heir.






The Red Woman 08





The Red Woman 01






Doran talks with Ellaria.

Ellaria helps Doran get to his wheelchair, as they both reminisce about Oberyn, with Doran stating how he envied his late brother for the adventurous life he led. Ellaria states that Doran would have made a bad adventurer, while Oberyn would have been a bad ruler. After settling into his chair, Maester Calleote brings him a message that Myrcella has died. Before he can give an order, Tyene stabs Areo Hotah in the back, killing him, while Ellaria stabs Doran in the chest. As he lies on the floor, his guards do nothing, indicating they have sided with Ellaria. As she twists her knife into Doran, Ellaria angrily says he remained passive despite the brutal deaths of both his sister and brother, and that the people of 多恩 are with her now. As he is gasping, Doran begs Ellaria to spare Trystane, but Ellaria coldly scoffs at him. Doran then dies in a pool of his own blood.



Myrcella's corpse arrive from Dorne.

Cersei is sitting alone in her room, when a servant enters and announces that a ship from Dorne has arrived. Realizing that Myrcella has come home, she joyfully runs down to the harbor, only to see a grim-faced Jaime alongside a shrouded body. She tearfully realizes that her daughter has died.

Later, in the 紅堡, Cersei asks Jaime when was the first time he saw a dead body, to which Jaime replies their mother's. Cersei tells of her memory of the horror she felt after first seeing her mother's corpse, and wishes not to see it happen to Myrcella.

Meanwhile, Margaery is still imprisoned by the faith, and the High Sparrow comes to visit her. She asks about her brother Loras, but he tells her that she has to confess first. When she admits that nobody is perfect without sins, he tells her that she is on the right path but still has a long way to go.

Obara and Nymeria arrive on Prince Trystane's ship, announcing their intention to kill him. Nymeria offers Trystane the choice of which one of the Sands he'd like to fight, and he chooses Nymeria, only for Obara to impale him through the back of his head with her spear as he turns his back on her.


At the Wall, the mutineers have left Jon's body where he fell. Ghost is scratching at the door in grief and howling, which gets the attention of several people including Davos who leaves his room to investigate. Ser Davos finds Jon's dead body just before Edd and some other brothers arrive. They take the body inside where Edd clears a table and angrily curses Thorne after closing Jon's eyes Davos asks if Edd trusts any of his brothers and he replies "the ones in this room". Davos convinces Edd to go bring Ghost in deciding that "We need all the help we can get." 梅麗珊卓 arrives, stating she saw Jon fighting in 臨冬城 in the flames. Davos and the black brothers doubt the dead Lord Commander could do such a thing and she returns to her room.

艾里沙·索恩, Othell Yarwyck and Bowen Marsh hold a meeting with the remaining black brothers stationed at 黑城堡 and explain their reasoning for killing the Lord Commander. Most of the brothers come to understand them and side with the mutineers. Back inside the room, Davos notes Thorne is sure to have made his move by now. In response Edd states he doesn't care because Jon was his friend and they butchered him, then he rallies the loyal brothers to try and take out Thorne in revenge. Davos responds they are hopelessly outnumbered, stating Ghost isn't enough when Edd brings him up, before reminding them there are others nearby who owe Jon their lives. Realizing he means the Wildlings, Edd instructs them to bar the door and not let anyone in while he sneaks out to get help.

All members of the Watch are shown bearing arms toward the room where Jon's body is being guarded by Ser Davos and the men loyal to 瓊恩·雪諾. Thorne and senior members of the Watch approach the room and Thorne speaks to Ser Davos through the locked door. Thorne promises full amnesty for the members of the Watch. To Ser Davos he offers a fresh horse and safe passage to ride south or in any direction he wishes, and that he can take 梅麗珊卓 with him. Ser Davos mocks what he knows to be an insincere offer by requesting mutton. Ser Davos tells Thorne he is a poor hunter and does not want to starve, so he needs some mutton for his trip. Thorne promises him food will be provided. Ser Thorne says the offer is available as long as everyone in the room surrenders, and does so by sundown.


梅麗珊卓 without her magical glamor of youth.

Alone in her bedroom, 梅麗珊卓 appears despondent and looking as if she has been betrayed or led astray by The Lord of Light. On a table next to her bed are various containers, some small that contain potions and other liquids. She unbuttons the front of her dress showing a young beautiful body. She then removes the dress completely and stands nude before a mirror. When she removes her large necklace the gem loses its glow. In the mirror 梅麗珊卓's reflections shows she has transformed or morphed back to a 400-year-old woman she has been said to be, a frail old woman with sagging breasts, leathery skin and thin wispy white hair. Fully nude, with her head bowed down in a despondent manner she slowly climbs into bed and pulls the fur blanket on top of her.
