剧集数量 7
上映日期 2017年7月16日 [1] 2017年8月27日
制作日期 2016年8月31日[2]2017年2月
GoT-Sn7 FirstLook 01



本季將只有7集[4],,其原因是故事較少且製作費用愈來愈高。[5] Filming began in 於2016年8月31日開始在貝爾發斯特開始拍攝。[6] 並於2017年2月完成。[7].




Home 23




Battle of the Bastards 29


The Winds of Winter 13




Ramsey about to be eaten


Jon Snow is declared King in The North Season 6 Episode 10 Preview.


GoT-Sn7 FirstLook 07


GoT-Sn7 FirstLook 04


Daenerys Targaryen Sails to Westeros, Season 6 Episode 10 Preview.


The Winds of Winter 23


Night king the door with bran


The Winds of Winter 22



君臨, 瑟曦·蘭尼斯特終於獲得了縋求多年的權力。他消滅了眾多的政敵。皇后 瑪格麗·提利爾梅斯·提利爾洛拉斯·提利爾、瑟曦的叔叔凱馮·蘭尼斯特大學士 派席爾, 大麻雀以及整個Faith Militant,都在瑟曦策劃的,使用野火炸毀貝勒大聖堂的事件中死亡。 在他兒子隨後自殺之後,他自封為七大王國的女王,科本為她的國王之手以及不死的騎士格雷果·克里岡為護衛。蘭尼斯特家族也終於成為王室。然說,瑟曦害怕她年少時的預言,她會在三個子女死後而死。而此時喬佛里·拜拉席恩彌賽菈·拜拉席恩托曼·拜拉席恩都已死去。這讓她更想消滅仍在的敵人,可是敵人卻愈來愈多了。雖然她坐上了鐵王座,她讓泰溫·蘭尼斯特為了維繫其家族強大的努力白費了,坐上王座讓她在維斯特洛更加被痛恨。各地區開始公開反抗鐵王座,不再受其掌握。

河間地, 羅柏·史塔克之前獨立王國治下的奔流城,在在第二次奔流城圍城戰中由詹姆·蘭尼斯特再次奪回到蘭尼斯特家族和佛雷家族之手自紅色婚禮成為俘虜的艾德慕·徒利讓徒利軍開城以便救自己的妻子蘿絲琳·佛雷和兒子,他的叔叔布林登·徒利戰死。塔斯的布蕾妮和她的隨從波德瑞克·派恩想要讓他去幫助珊莎·史塔克臨冬城但不成,只能逃走。

雖然佛雷家族獲得了奔流城, 瓦德·佛雷也死了。艾莉亞·史塔克在差點被殺的情況下,完成了在自由城邦布拉佛斯無面者訓練。 她背棄了任務,而回到維斯特洛進行復仇。首先就是瓦德·佛雷, 他在紅色婚禮 殺了母親凱特琳·史塔克, 哥哥羅柏·史塔克, 嫂嫂簡妮·維斯特林,同時殺了他的兩個兒子,因此目前河間地的所有者未知。此外桑鐸·克里岡在和塔斯的布蕾妮戰鬥之後活下來了,後來加入了無旗兄弟會,打算北上進行戰事。

鐵群島,原國王巴隆·葛雷喬伊被他的弟弟攸倫·葛雷喬伊所殺. 席恩·葛雷喬伊回到鐵群島支持他的姊姊阿莎·葛雷喬伊選王會中繼位。但攸倫在以與丹妮莉絲·坦格利安結盟,以取得七大王國的政見之下,獲得支持,席恩和阿莎帶領百艘忠於她的船逃離。他們到了彌林尋求丹妮莉絲的協助。在坦格利安家族葛雷喬伊家族間達成合作,幫助丹妮莉絲上鐵王座,換取推翻攸倫重回鐵群島,攸倫則正在建一個更大的艦隊。


在北境瓊恩·雪諾和珊莎·史塔克在戴佛斯·席渥斯托蒙德萊安娜·莫爾蒙等的支持下,在私生子之戰中打敗了拉姆斯·波頓獲得臨冬城。獲勝的最後關鍵是培提爾·貝里席帶來了艾林家族谷地軍隊波頓家族滅絕,因為羅柏·史塔克瑞肯·史塔克死亡,布蘭·史塔克生死不明,北境各家族推舉瓊恩為新的 北境之王, 珊莎則拒了小指頭提議的,助他登上鐵王座成為皇后的建議。瓊恩成為北境之王可能成為他的大計劃中的障礙,小指頭是否會和瓊恩衝突值得注意。


河灣地。經歷許多困難山姆威爾·塔利, 吉莉及她的兒子山姆終於抵達 舊鎮學城,山姆將在那受訓成為學士用以取代去世的守夜人學士伊蒙,希望能找到對付異鬼 的方法。然而,山姆偷走了塔利家族瓦雷利亞鋼寶劍碎心,很可能激怒了他的父親藍道·塔利。由於提利爾家族的軍隊可能將離開河灣地,有可能受到外來的攻擊。山姆威爾將利用這把劍研究對抗死亡軍團的方式。

狹海的那一邊, 擊敗奴隸主和鷹身女妖之子後,女王丹妮莉絲·坦格利安終於航向維斯特洛。她已組成包括無垢者多斯拉克人的軍隊,並且聯合葛雷喬伊家族, 提利爾家族, 和多恩。提利昂·蘭尼斯特 作為他的首相,但她少了兩個重要的輔佐者:喬拉·莫爾蒙需要去治療他的灰鱗病。而她的愛人達里奧·納哈裡斯被命令帶領次子團留守。以免妨覽之後可能需要的聯姻。 她還不知道的是,瓊恩·雪諾這個坦格利安身世的人,可能成為他的合作者或競爭對象。

塞外, 布蘭·史塔克已在三眼烏鴉的指導下獲得綠之視野,並得知一些秘密,包括 異鬼的由來,以及瓊恩·雪諾是萊安娜·史塔克雷加·坦格利安的兒子一身,因此他其實是丹妮莉絲·坦格利安的姪子。 在造成三眼烏鴉, 阿多之死的攻擊之後,布蘭的叔叔班揚·史塔克救了布蘭、梅拉·黎德並帶領他們到長城邊上。在那裡,布蘭需要準備對抗將到來的夜王



Producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss confirmed that season seven would be both filmed and released later than past seasons of Game of Thrones. This was mainly due to the desire to accurately depict the winter that now grips 維斯特洛. [8] As a result, filming took a scheduled pause in December 2016, with a scheduled complete wrap date in February 2017.[9]

In Northern Ireland, production began in August 2016. Interior shooting returned to the show's headquarters, the Paint Hall Studios in Belfast as well as Linen Mill Studios in Banbridge. Meanwhile, location shooting has taken place at the following locations so far: the 臨冬城 set in Moneyglass, the Saintfield Estate (for scenes in the 臨冬城 Godswood)[10] as well as Ballintoy (previously Pyke), Murlough Bay (previously The 風暴地)[11], and Fair Head in Country Antrim.[12] The Dark Hedges in Stranocum, which were previously featured in Season 2, will also return to stand in for the 國王大道.[13]

In Spain, filming took place from late October through December at various locations. Production started in the Basque country, including Itzurun Beach in Zumaia (as 龍石島), Muriola Beach in Barrika (as the shores of Blackwater Bay) and San Juan de Gaztelugatxe in Bermeo (as 龍石島), before moving to Andalusia, where they used the Roman Ruins of Italica in Santiponce (as 君臨), Las Atarazanas (also known as the Royal Dockyards) in Seville (as 君臨) and Castillo de Almodóvar del Río (as 高庭 & 凱岩城). Meanwhile, filming had also started in the province of Cáceres at Trujillo Castle (as 凱岩城 & 君臨), before commencing a nearly month long shoot at Las Breñas and Barrueco de Arriba in Malpartida (as 河灣地). Production in Spain ended in the Old Town of Cáceres (as 君臨 & 舊鎮) mid-December.[14][15][16]

Similar to last season, production only returned to Croatia for a brief shoot in Dubrovnik (as 君臨) mid-December.[17]

Finally, for the first time since the fourth season, production returned to Iceland in January.[18] Filming took place at the glaciers of Jökulsárlón and Svínafellsjökull, serving as locations 塞外, before moving to the Black Sand Beach of Vík.[19][20]

None of the directors for Season 7 are women - and indeed, the TV series has only ever had one female director, Michelle MacLaren, who left the show after Season 4. Nor has there been a female writer on the TV series since Vanessa Taylor left after Season 3. Prominent female movie director Ava DuVernay, famed for being the first African-American woman to direct an Oscar-nominated film, openly criticized this gender disparity in an interview with TheHollywoodReporter.com in June 2017. DuVernay's current TV drama project, Queen Sugar (with Oprah Winfrey as co-executive producer) made it a point to hire only female directors for every episode in its run. Noting this, DuVernay criticized the Game of Thrones showrunners by remarking: "I always say if Game of Thrones can have three seasons of all male directors, why can't we have three seasons of all women directors? If they can do it, why can't we do it?"[21]


第7季將只有7集,但每集的分量會較多。 however, and gigantic action scenes on the scale of "Hardhome" take longer to film than a setup episode of mostly dialogue in interior sets like "The Climb" or "The Gift", etc.

Each episode has a physically longer runtime than in prior seasons: the earlier seasons averaged out at around 54 to 56 minutes per episode, but episodes in Season 7 average out at around 63 minutes per episode. As for specific runtimes, the first and second episodes of the season have a runtime of 59 minutes each,[22][23] the third episode has a runtime of 63 minutes,[24] the fourth episode has a runtime of 50 minutes, the fifth episode has a runtime of 59 minutes, the sixth episode has a runtime of 71 minutes, and the seventh and final episode has a runtime of 81 minutes.[25]

Taken altogether, therefore, while there are only seven episodes in Season 7, due to their increased individual lengths, there is enough extra runtime to make up for an entire eighth episode (of the regular length from prior seasons). There was some speculation when the seven episode format was first announced that the showrunners were simply chopping up the normal overall runtime of the season into seven parts because those were the natural "chapter breaks" of the story, but Benioff and Weiss later waved this aside, reiterating that the entire point of filming fewer episodes than in the past was because the scale of each has been drastically increased, straining the limits of how much they can film in a single year. Season 7's total runtime will be 7 hours, 20 minutes - compared to the 9 hours, 15 minutes that prior seasons averaged.[26]



已確認 繼續演出






  • David Benioff: executive producer & showrunner
  • D.B. Weiss: executive producer & showrunner
  • Bernadette Caulfield: executive producer
  • Frank Doelger: executive producer
  • Carolyn Strauss: executive producer
  • 喬治·R·R·馬丁: co-executive producer
  • Vince Gerardis: co-executive producer
  • Guymon Casady: co-executive producer
  • Greg Spence: producer
  • Chris Newman: producer
  • Lisa McAtackney: producer
  • Bryan Cogman: supervising producer
  • Michele Clapton: costume designer[96]
  • Deborah Riley: production designer
  • Ramin Djawadi: composer
  • Nina Gold: casting director
  • Robert Sterne: casting director


  • David Benioff & D.B. Weiss: episodes 1, 3 and more TBA.
  • Bryan Cogman: episode 2.
  • Dave Hill: TBA.



# Image Title Airdate Viewers/Rating
61 Daenerys Dragonstone "龍石島" July 16, 2017 [105]
瓊恩·雪諾組織了北境的防禦。瑟曦·蘭尼斯特 tries to even the odds. 丹妮莉絲·坦格利安回到龍石島.
62 File:GoT S7 Placeholder.jpg "風暴降生" July 23, 2017
丹妮莉絲·坦格利安 receives an unexpected visitor. 瓊恩·雪諾 faces a revolt. Tyrion plans the conquest of 維斯特洛.
63 File:GoT S7 Placeholder.jpg "女王的審判" July 30, 2017
Daenerys holds court. Cersei returns a gift. Jaime learns from his mistakes.
64 File:GoT S7 Placeholder.jpg Season 7, Episode 4 August 6, 2017
Synopsis to be announced.
65 File:GoT S7 Placeholder.jpg Season 7, Episode 5 August 13, 2017
Synopsis to be announced.
66 File:GoT S7 Placeholder.jpg Season 7, Episode 6 August 20, 2017
Synopsis to be announced.
67 File:GoT S7 Placeholder.jpg Season 7, Episode 7 August 27, 2017
Synopsis to be announced.






  1. [1]
  2. [2]
  3. ‘Game Of Thrones’ Picked Up For Season 7, ‘Veep’ & ‘Silicon Valley’ Also Renewed By HBO
  4. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/07/18/game-thrones-season-7
  5. 'Game of Thrones’ Creators Mull Shorter Final Seasons.
  6. [3]
  7. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/07/22/comic-con-game-thrones-panel
  8. http://watchersonthewall.com/game-thrones-season-7-premiere-date-will-later-usual/
  9. [4]
  10. Watchers on the Wall - Game of Thrones returns to Saintfield estate for season 7
  11. Watchers on the Wall - Updated! Game of Thrones returns to the Murlough Bay area for filming
  12. Watchers on the Wall - Emilia Clarke back to work on a windy Northern Irish day
  13. Watchers on the Wall - Sophie Turner and more return to Belfast, and a Game of Thrones location is confirmed!
  14. [Watchers on the Wall - Several new locations in Spain confirmed for Game of Thrones season 7!
  15. [5]
  16. [6]
  17. [7]
  18. [8]
  19. [9]
  20. [10]
  21. [11]
  22. Episode 61 HBO Schedule
  23. Episode 62 HBO Schedule
  24. Episode 63 HBO Schedule
  25. Game of ThronesSeason 7 Length
  26. [12]
  27. http://deadline.com/2016/06/game-of-thrones-cast-season-8-big-raises-salary-hbo-1201776806/
  28. http://deadline.com/2016/06/game-of-thrones-cast-season-8-big-raises-salary-hbo-1201776806/
  29. http://deadline.com/2016/06/game-of-thrones-cast-season-8-big-raises-salary-hbo-1201776806/
  30. http://deadline.com/2016/06/game-of-thrones-cast-season-8-big-raises-salary-hbo-1201776806/
  31. http://deadline.com/2016/06/game-of-thrones-cast-season-8-big-raises-salary-hbo-1201776806/
  32. http://www.vulture.com/2016/06/aidan-gillen-littlefinger-sansa-game-of-thrones.html
  33. http://tvline.com/2016/07/23/game-of-thrones-cast-interview-liam-cunningham-season-7-video/
  34. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/07/22/comic-con-game-thrones-panel
  35. http://www.nme.com/filmandtv/news/-game-of-thrones-star-maisie-williams-outlines-how/411439
  36. http://watchersonthewall.com/shipyards-added-game-thrones-location-roster-sightings/
  37. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/07/22/comic-con-game-thrones-panel
  38. http://watchersonthewall.com/game-thrones-stars-heading-back-belfast-advance-season-7/
  39. http://watchersonthewall.com/game-thrones-stars-heading-back-belfast-advance-season-7/
  40. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/07/22/comic-con-game-thrones-panel
  41. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/07/22/comic-con-game-thrones-panel
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  45. http://tvline.com/2016/07/23/game-of-thrones-cast-interview-liam-cunningham-season-7-video/
  46. http://http://watchersonthewall.com/latest-belfast-sightings-exclusive-game-thrones-season-7-spoiler-report/
  47. [14]
  48. [15]
  49. [16]
  50. [17]
  51. http://http://watchersonthewall.com/latest-belfast-sightings-exclusive-game-thrones-season-7-spoiler-report/
  52. [18]
  53. [19]
  54. http://winteriscoming.net/2016/09/14/game-thrones-cast-members-in-belfast-season-7//
  55. http://www.vulture.com/2016/07/gemma-whelan-yara-sexuality-game-of-thrones.html
  56. [20]
  57. http://watchersonthewall.com/filming-resumes-emmys-plus-season-7-return/
  58. http://http://watchersonthewall.com/filming-continues-barrika-next-locations-ready-action-preparations-malpartida-character-returns//
  59. http://www.express.co.uk/showbiz/tv-radio/690198/Game-of-Thrones-season-7-Iceland-Jon-Snow-Sansa-Kit-Harington-HBO
  60. http://watchersonthewall.com/dolorous-edd-speaks-plus-house-stark-spoilers-season-7/
  61. http://www.express.co.uk/showbiz/tv-radio/690198/Game-of-Thrones-season-7-Iceland-Jon-Snow-Sansa-Kit-Harington-HBO
  62. http://watchersonthewall.com/filming-resumes-emmys-plus-season-7-return/
  63. http://watchersonthewall.com/surprising-return-game-thrones-season-seven/
  64. [21]
  65. [22]
  66. http://http://watchersonthewall.com/latest-belfast-sightings-exclusive-game-thrones-season-7-spoiler-report/
  67. http://watchersonthewall.com/shipyards-added-game-thrones-location-roster-sightings/
  68. [23]
  69. http://watchersonthewall.com/game-thrones-cast-sightings-belfast-confirm-season-7-return/
  70. Watchers on the Wall - Lord Glover confirmed to return in season 7
  71. [24]
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  73. [26]
  74. [27]
  75. http://watchersonthewall.com/game-thrones-season-7-casting-update-maester-return/
  76. Watchers on the Wall - Maester Wolkan returns for season 7
  77. http://watchersonthewall.com/cameras-roll-new-set-northern-ireland-season-6-cast-member-returns/
  78. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/1308886/game-of-thrones-star-josephine-gillan-was-coke-addict-call-girl-before-telly-hooker-role-saved-her/
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  80. http://screencrush.com/jim-broadbent-game-of-thrones-character-maester/
  81. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/08/31/game-thrones-jim-broadbent-season-7
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  83. Watchers on the Wall - A Northern Girl Joins the Cast of Game of Thrones
  84. 84.0 84.1 Watchers on the Wall - Game of Thrones season 7 casting has begun!
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  89. 89.0 89.1 Two New Irish Additions for Game of Thrones Season 7
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  91. http://watchersonthewall.com/brendan-cowell-joins-cast-game-thrones/
  92. http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/12/game-of-thrones-season-7-ed-sheeran/
  93. 93.0 93.1 93.2 93.3 93.4 93.5 93.6 93.7 Watchers on the Wall - A Variety of New Roles Being Cast for Game of Thrones Season 7!
  94. Watchers on the Wall - Filming Resumes After the Emmys, Plus A Season 7 Return!
  95. http://watchersonthewall.com/spoiler-report-directors-archmaester-game-thrones-seville/
  96. EW: Season 7 Directors Revealed
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